Seven Steps to Sanity: Screen time during the pandemic crisis

by T. Lee Brown

Hooked on the news or constantly checking digital devices during the Covid crisis? Is it making you more miserable and anxious? You are by no means alone.

The following steps can help you get a grip on the situation and your own state of mind. Featured in today's steps are approaches from T. Lee Brown and from Catherine Price, founder of the Screen/Life Balance program and author of How to Break Up with your Phone.


For three days, keep close track of your media and digital device input. Using pen and paper, not an app, jot down the time you spend with various media, movies, news, email, even personal conversations and books. Here's the important part: note how each input made you feel.

Set aside 15 minutes before bedtime to look at your list. Note any trends. Which input inspired you? Which amped up your anxiety? If you checked the news 50 times, did any result in genuinely useful information that you could act upon?

Make a media plan for your self. Price says this allows your prefrontal cortex, the rational part of the brain, to take command over the freaked-out primitive part of the brain (see related article). Ask yourself: How many times am I going to check the news today, and what sources am I going to use? "Probably Facebook's not a good idea, guys!" said Price.

Your plan might include a Digital Sabbath—a day off for rest and reflection. Plan ahead to avoid logistical hassles. Our family does Digital Shabbat from sundown Friday through sundown Saturday, following the Jewish tradition. Kids love it. We light a candle at sundown, and Friday nights are now family game night.

Reduce access to the cause of your stress. If you have TV or radio on in the background, "you're going to be constantly mainlining anxiety, and it's going to feel bad," according to Price. Turn them off.

Uninstall all news apps from your phone. Turn off notifications on your devices. Cover your TV or computer monitor with fabric or a towel. Take a cue from kids at Sisters Elementary School, who drew their own posters to hang over monitors for Screen Free Week.

Set up a charging station for tablets and phones—away from where you hang out most. Try a closet or the garage. Block websites and apps that are problematic. Price likes the app Freedom, which she says changed her life. A more blunt instrument is the app Self Control, a personal favorite.

Friends and loved ones might push us too far into Covid craziness. Setting up boundaries with them is important. Price said many people "haven't yet gone through a process of getting to the point where they conclude, 'Yes, this is happening and it's terrifying—but there's only so much we can control.'"

She encourages mentioning that you're trying yourself to decrease your own stress around the crisis. Ask to speak about something else. Suggest concrete alternatives, such as holding a virtual dance party, knitting, or putting together puzzles via Zoom, Skype, or FaceTime.

Changing habits is most successful when we have an alternative at hand, something to replace the problem behavior. "Identify something that you want to do with your time," Price said.

Lay books, magazines, and journals out on tables. Set up stations with craft supplies, model cars to build, shoes to polish. Try a letter-writing area. Get out your old knitting bag. A pack of cards for solitaire. Plan on healthy use of digital devices: replace news apps with meditation apps.

This could be a good time to try mindfulness meditation, where you set aside some minutes to pay attention to your breath, body, and immediate surroundings. "Recognize that your mind will run away during those minutes," said Price, "and that it's totally normal."

Nature time and Sit Spot exercises work well, too. Keep an eye out for more on these in future issues of The Nugget Newspaper.

"Many of us are feeling frantic right now," Price notes, yet we're finding time to stress out on the news. Write out a list of soothing, healthy things you would like to do this week: Take a walk. Make a collage. Sew a face mask. Listen to a symphony. Send a letter every day in April, for national letter-writing month.

Said Price, "I don't mean to downplay the craziness of the moment, especially for parents of small kids…Consider that there might be something you can do with your news time that would make you feel more nourished and cared for."

Ambitious goals like inventing a better mousetrap or memorizing the complete works of Shakespeare might cause more stress. The priority now is getting through this crisis healthy and sane.

Start and end the day screen-free. If your phone is in your bedroom, chances are you're checking it first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Resolve to turn off news and devices by 7 pm or earlier. Keep the phone in another room overnight. If you need the phone nearby for health reasons, switch it to airplane mode and wrap it in a towel. Do not remove the phone from its swaddling until after breakfast.

And always remember: at any moment, if your thoughts whirl into catastrophic mayhem, you can stop and take a deep breath.

Part of an ongoing series of articles in The Nugget Newspaper for several years, the advice related here is based on expert research along with personal experience and feedback from my clients. Note that this article does not constitute medical advice. Seek help from trusted medical and spiritual advisers if you face a serious addiction or mental health problem. Got a hint for Nugget readers? A question you'd like answered? Email freelance writer T. Lee Brown, tiffany (at)

This article, written by New Oregon’s director, originally appeared in The Nugget Newspaper in Sisters, Oregon.

Virus-Time Anxiety

Perhaps you’ve noticed that digital devices and news are a problem for you (and your kids) during the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic shutdown. New Oregon director T. Lee Brown is writing several articles on the subject for The Nugget Newspaper in Sisters, Oregon.

Keep reading below to learn how this might be affecting you, and how Seven Steps to Sanity can balance things out. 

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Virus-time anxiety increased by constantly checking news and devices

What's stressing you out more: the coronavirus, or thinking about it all the time? The Internet, TV, news, and smartphones help people stay informed and feel connected during the Covid-19 crisis. Unfortunately, there are side effects, including anxiety and addiction.

We turned to Catherine Price for advice. The founder of the Screen/Life Balance program and author of How to Break Up with your Phone, Price is producing a series of #QuarantineChats on From the confines of her apartment, she recently explored "compulsively checking the news."

Price researches the physiology behind our behaviors, so we can have more control over how we spend our time—and how we feel. "Basically, when we're stressed out, the part of our brain that's in charge of rational thought goes completely offline," explained Price.

"It's kind of unfortunate. In the moments when you might need it most, the prefrontal cortex — the area of your brain that's in charge of this — is like, 'See ya later! I'm going to go hide under a rock. I'm gonna let your primitive brain take over.'"

The primitive part of the brain mostly operates from a fight-or-flight response mode. It "seeks out quick fixes to feelings of anxiety," according to Price.

For example, your rational brain might think meditation, prayer, or exercise sounds like a good idea. Price said, "Your more primitive brain is like, 'That sounds hard. Why don't I just have a drink?' Our brains are going to seek out rewards, something that will trigger the brain to release the chemical dopamine."

Dopamine produces a temporary feeling of goodness, a mini-high. Common "quick fixes" for dopamine rewards include alcohol, tobacco, and drugs. Most people understand that these substances cause health problems and can lead to serious addictions that destroy lives. "Alcohol and drugs most definitely activate trigger dopamine circuitry in your brain," said Price.

"Interestingly, the news does too," she said, "because novelty is a really big dopamine trigger. So every time you check the news and find something new waiting for you—which you will, every single time, because it's the news!—your brain is going to release a little bit of dopamine."

On a quick-fix level, that dopamine hit makes us want to repeat the behavior. It doesn't matter if the news is unhelpful or makes you stressed out or breeds even more anxiety. Price said, "Your brain does not care. It's just like, 'Oh, I got a hit of that new stuff. I'm going to do it again.'"

Today's newsfeeds and social media apps are built by designers and engineers trained in provoking that dopamine response. Interface design elements—scrolling and "pulling" the bottom of a phone to refresh the screen—work in tandem with content algorithms to keep users coming back. This produces more advertising revenue for media companies.

Price believes it makes sense that we would try to relieve our anxiety by turning to the news. "We're hoping to find answers," she said. "We're hoping they're going to tell us the pandemic is slowing down, a vaccine has been discovered, or that a common throat lozenge is the cure."

Looking for a concrete answer and not finding it causes more anxiety. This is "sending our rational brains even further under that rock," according to Price.

To crawl out and start feeling better, people can use solid techniques for reducing device and news engagement while sheltering in place. See "Seven Steps to Sanity.